Saddle Hill, Canterbury, New Zealand
Banks Peninsula
Banks Peninsula.
Find Saddle Hill Scenic Reserve on Google Maps, or use these coordinates here: -43.808462, 172.843901
There are two potential ways up, the roads are gravel in places. Winter Conditions might make the road tricky. Try coming back down Kinloch Road, for a scenic loop.
1.15 hours return.
45min up, 30min down. With photos.
Contradicting signage.
DOC website says “dogs allowed under effective control”
The sign says “no dogs”.
Best done on a fine clear day.
You climb over the stile by the old sheep yards. From there follow the track and markers up a short climb.
The track soon levels out and leads around a basin where you can look down on regenerating bush and the popular climbing routes on Coffin Rock. Continue along the track to the trig station and enjoy the stunning views over Akaroa Harbour.
The summit of the track offers an amazing view looking back on the Southern Alps and the unique landforms of Te Waihora and Kaitorete.
Exposed in places, dress appropriately.
Starting off at the old sheep yards, Charlie is pumped to get started.
This was Charlie’s first outing with his new Pack, he’s carrying his treats, bags, and water bowl.
Fancy one for your dog? Find them here.
Tiny bit of snow still around the top.
“Proper Camera” time. The views towards the South.
On top of another peak. Dog is well-travelled. Wife came on this one too.
Pano looking over Wainui towards Akaroa and the whole Akaroa Harbour.
We went a little further along as well, and climbed down to here from the high point (pictured).
But this was as far as we went.
The stile, if you are allowed to go into the private land.
Charlie spots an alternative path down, so we start our descent.
Great thing about the new pack/harness is it’s centrally weighted with three straps, so you can carry the dog over obstacles like stiles, fences and rivers. If lifts him comfortably with his weight distributed evenly so he’s happy.
We got to the bottom of the track, but there are great views if you take the Kinloch Rd ‘scenic way’ back down.
The last light of the day spilling into Little River, as we head to the high point for views to the Alps over Kaitorete Spit.
Bonus spot to explore: Te Oka Reserve. Not dog friendly, so we just looked in from the outside.
Looking over Lake Forsyth from Kinloch Rd.
Bonus pic, Lyttleton Harbour from the drive home. We took another “scenic detour” over the Gebbies Pass route.