Coopers Knob, Canterbury, New Zealand
Port Hills
Port Hills.
Find 'Coopers Knob' in Google Maps. You can park by the Gibraltar Rock/Omihi Bush car park and go straight up, or extend your walk and follow the crater rim around from any other point. We chose the entrance that crosses the Summit Rd, as the road passes to the Lyttleton side of the hill.
30 minutes return.
15 minutes up, 15 minutes down.
This is a nice easy one for when you just want to get outside. You can make it harder by extending the walk, but you can park super close. Coopers Knob is the highest point on the Port Hills, so you're guaranteed a great view in all directions.
The only tricky bit might be climbing the rock to the very top if you want to do that. It's not essential, but why else go there?
Great Spot For a Sunset
Who's a very good boy?
Nicola checking out the view.
This dog is NOT afraid of heights!
Neither am I really.
Made it to the top!
Highest point on the Port Hills.
Beautiful views.